Friday, June 10, 2011

guest blogger: jessica

summer is upon us, and for many people that means it's time for a vacation! to get everyone ready for this vacation season, i have some awesome guest posts about traveling to share with you from some of the amazing members of the DOC. today's post is written by jessica from me and d! thanks so much jessica :) 

So most of the traveling I do is in the car. Road trips to visit friends and family. Lots of good times and good memories.

But I was having trouble thinking of a good story to share here. Until I took another road trip a few weeks ago.

I was headed to a girls weekend with some of my college roommates. Woohoo! Yay! Happy Dance!

Iʼm at Target, picking up a few last minute things for the trip, when I hear that distinctive LOW PREDICTED alarm. Three beeps in descending pitch. Awesome. Whip out the meter to double check, and yep, 75. So I grab some fruit twist things and go check out while eating them.

I go hop in the car and begin my 3 hour drive. Now, the last thing I want is to be low and driving. I keep an eye on that CGM, and the number is not rising. Iʼve consumed most of the bag of fruit twist things before it does. I know Iʼll rebound later, but oh well.

The weird thing? There was no rebound. Hm. Oh well, Iʼll take it!

In case you were wondering, we had a SPECTACULAR weekend! I laughed a lot, ate a lot of good food, and baked cupcakes. All with two of my very best friends in the whole world. I love them.

Unfortunately, I eventually had to go home. I was running in the 200s all morning that Sunday, but considering all the food Iʼd eaten, I wasnʼt too concerned. I corrected as my pump suggested, said goodbyes, and left.

Again, Iʼm keeping an eye on the CGM as I head down the road. And I get frustrated as I see it heading up. Grrrr!

I stop to go to the bathroom after an hour on the road. A quick bg check shows 310. 310? Really? I know I ate some cupcakes, but seriously...

And guess who was out of syringes for correcting? Yup. Me. So I got to change my set in the bathroom of a McDonalds in the middle of nowhere. Awesomesauce.

And ripping the old set out revealed a nice hard lump right where it went in. So it wasnʼt the espresso dark brownie cupcakes with peanut butter fudge icing, I guess. Good to know.


  1. I hate that I always find out too late. Like great, should have changed that earlier! I have done some pump changes in some pretty odd places too LOL

  2. Can't beat a girl's weekend with your two BFFs, especially when espresso dark brownie cupcakes with peanut butter fudge icing are involved! Yum-O! Avoiding McD's would have been nice, but I guess it's a good thing it was there in the middle of nowhere! :)
