Monday, October 31, 2011

happy halloween!

appropriate costume for a diabetic. cotton candy. 

so many low blood sugar jokes...

HAPPY HALLOWEEN!! i hope everyone has a great one! :) 

Thursday, October 27, 2011

random update

i feel like i haven't been blogging much lately ... sorry about that. life happened.

a few random updates ...

the JDRF walk was a success (i know i've already written about this), our team's unofficial total was $2,420. but i KNOW we have more than that because people brought some cash/check donations the day of the walk and those haven't been calculated on the web site yet. so AWESOME JOB!!! :D

i need to schedule my endocrinologist appointment. i had to cancel the last one because i was out of town - wow, what a slacker i am. FAIL. i need to get on that. like, TODAY.

my back is 'jacked up.' i've been seeing a chiropractor and he's helping ... it's a slow process. basically, your whole spine is supposed to move and sway all together in every direction (obviously.) and mine does that, until you get to the very bottom. then it doesn't move like that. super! that explains my lower back pain and hip pain.

which leads me to this ... my dad pointed out something i hadn't thought of. a few years ago, i was seeing an orthopedic surgeon because i was having some major hip pain, and basically they never figured out what was wrong, and i kind of learned to deal with it ... or it went away, i'm not sure. well, dad said that it makes sense that they couldn't figure out what was wrong with my hip - because the problem is my spine. it's all connected. thank you anatomy.

so i've been hanging out with my ice pack and trying to take it easy and i'm not wearing heels (good thing i have cute flats). if you wanna come hang out on the couch, that's where i usually am.

are you sitting down? prepare yourself. i've also STOPPED DRINKING DIET COKE. i'll give you a minute. i know. it just kind of happened ... i didn't say 'i'm going to stop drinking diet coke!' (that NEVER works for me) i just ... did. i've been drinking iced tea and water. woo hoo! going on two weeks. yep, i'm shocked by myself. and i don't want it, crave it, nothing. just don't really think about it.

my work's gala was last weekend, that's part of the reason i haven't been blogging much. life's been really busy ... now that it's over, things are calming down and i'm not as exhausted, so i have the time and energy to write more.

and, just for funsies, here's a picture from the gala - it was 'a masquerade affair.' :)

don't tell her about my drink. 

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Monday, October 24, 2011

jdrf walk 2011

the walk was awesome, of course. our team raised over $2500! thanks to everyone who raised money, donated, walked with us, supported our team and enjoyed our hilarity. and now, a picture summary of the amazingness:

oh yeah, and this amazing mullet: 

Friday, October 21, 2011

last ask

tomorrow's the big day. the 2011 jdrf walk.

last year my team was AHHHMAZING and we raised so much money that we received awards!

we all know (well, i feel like we all know, but maybe not) the importance of JDRF and the fundraising they do to research ways to better treat, cure and prevent type 1 diabetes.

so i'm asking you, on the last day before this year's walk, if you can donate to the cause. if everyone that read my blog donated $1, i'd have what, $6?

if you are able, please visit my jdrf page and make a donation!

thanks to all of you who have donated already! i greatly appreciate every donation my team has received. and thank you to my team members who have been collecting donations! i couldn't do it without you. :)

and finally, remember to ask yourself ...

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

this has nothing to do with diabetes

so, i kinda love randall's animals. and if you haven't seen his videos, shame on you. the most 'famous' one is the honey badger. you should watch it.

last weekend, i introduced my sister and dad to randall's animals. and OF COURSE they loved.

so last night, while talking to my sisterthis came on tv. and i sent her the link and we both loved it. (who wouldn't?)

and of course, i tweeted it.


randall and i are so BFFs.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

fancy nancy

if you've seen me on twitter, you know that my name is @fancynancymer. for some reason, i always just think that my DOC friends know everything about me, and i forget that they don't know things like ... why my name is fancynancymer on twitter. yesterday, it came up in discussion from the famous @scottkjohnson:

pretty much all of my 'real life' friends know where the nickname comes from. when he said that, it dawned on me that some people in the DOC might not know.

prepare yourselves. i hope you're sitting down. it's about to get deep. THE TRUTH COMES OUT.

my name is nancy meredith. no, meredith is not my last name. it's my middle name. as you may have noticed, my last name is not on my blog, i like to maintain some mystery. and sidenote: if someone 'goes by' their middle name, don't ask them what their 'real name' is. just because i don't go by my first name doesn't mean i go by a fake name. it's just my middle name.

mom says that when i was born, they knew they were calling me meredith. and nancy was my great grandmother's name. 'meredith nancy' didn't sound as good as 'nancy meredith' ... so, that was that.

now, i don't know if i can pinpoint the exact time the nickname stuck, but it comes from a combination of things. when i was in college i worked at a restaurant where they 'had' to put your first name in the computer and it would print out on your tickets (i have dealt with this name thing my WHOLE life, i'm used to being called nancy, i am still called nancy at the doctor, by insurance companies, etc ... people think it's SO FUNNY to call me nancy when they find out that's my first name, but it really doesn't bother me). the bartender working saw my ticket, and when he saw nancy, he immediately starting singing fancy by reba mcentire, but was singing nancy instead of fancy. so my nickname became fancy. thrilling, right? you're in on the secret ... almost.

you may recall a fun little girl who likes all things fancy ... bows, feathers, GLITTER, etc. her name is fancy nancy. she now has a series of books, dolls, dress up clothes and games, a whole web site, among other things.

image from

as the fancy nancy character became more popular, the nickname became more prevalent. she's kind of  cute, don't you think?

i can't say i mind it. most people hear me say fancy quite a bit. it's just one of those words ... so i guess the nickname fits.

well, now you know!

how fancy. :)

Monday, October 10, 2011

that was nice :)

tonight after the gym, i was planning to stop and get a few things from the grocery. (yes, the GROCERY.)  too bad that i thought i might be low and had to stop at my least favorite store to go to when i'm in a hurry. that's right ... wal. mart.

i checked. 61. it felt a lot lower than 61 though. so i went into hell wally world and noticed they had reorganized everything. AWESOME. luckily, i was right by the pharmacy and it didn't take long to find glucose tabs. but then, of course, i spent like five minutes trying to open the damn plastic wrap while not ripping the bar code. super annoying when you're low, easily irritated and shaking.

fast forward to check out. i had a few groceries since i was there and didn't want to make another stop. as the guy scanned the already opened glucose tabs, he handed them to me and said 'you okay?' it kind of caught me off guard, that has NEVER happened. people don't really know what they are, or they just ... don't care and don't ask. 'yes, thank you,' i replied.

how NICE! the crap store had a really nice employee tonight.

that made me feel better. thanks, nice check out lane guy. :)

Thursday, October 6, 2011

quite the thank you...

so a few weeks ago, i helped a friend from the DOC with a little design project. i joked that i only accept payment in the form of cupcakes ... she totally lurked a few days ago when i was talking about crumbs bakery on twitter, how i've never been but hear it's AMAZING...

today, this happened.

flavors? oh yeah, i've got flavors.
back row (l-r): cosmo, cotton candy, birthday 
front row (l-r): red velvet, smore, pink ribbon - white cake 

and now, for the first bite. the elected winner to be tasted first: cosmo. 

(yes, i ate my first cupcake post-workout.)


(and i have five more to try!!)

SARAH!! thank you. seriously, thank you.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

wordless wednesday

oh hey guys, don't mind us ...
(at a golf tournament for work today)

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

bootcamp buddies

you guys know how much i love bootcamp. my wallet - ehh, not as much. but it's BOOTCAMP. i LOVE it. i wish i could go to bootcamp more than twice a week. but ya know, i have other things to pay for - like cupcakes. and glittery shoes. and clothes. and presents for friends. medical supplies.

so tonight i'm going with my friend janet to another gym. she has gone to bootcamp, i have gone to bootcamp. so we think that with our combined powers, we can come up with awesomesauce workouts to do and save some monies.

i'll keep you posted.

ps - the bruise is still there. and dark. SEXY!

Sunday, October 2, 2011

the bruise.

for 11 years, i've been using an insulin pump. and i've heard stories about people having bruises and bleeding ... i've never had that happen to me.

...until now.

i put a new site in on thursday. by saturday morning, it looked like this (it was darker in person):

i wasn't sure where the bruise came from. and it didn't hurt at all.

tonight it was time to change my site. here's what it looked for just before i took this one out:

and i thought, is this going to be my first site that will bleed? i wasn't sure. especially since i didn't know what caused the bruise.

and here's what it looked like when i took it out:

awesome, right? it doesn't hurt. i don't have a good horror story for this bruise. it's just ... bruised. and pictures aren't doing justice, the bruise is so much darker in person. i tried to take one without the flash and it just wasn't working. 

so, no idea what caused that ... the mysteries of diabetes. gotta love this life. 

maybe it's the drinking that caused it ;)