Wednesday, February 23, 2011

silver lining?

my best friend (of 15 years) is pregnant - tangent: WOO HOO IT'S SO AWESOME AND EXCITING!! - and today was her glucose test ... you know, that some women say is so awful and the juice they have to drink is so gross - she said it wasn't that bad ... since her doctor's office is close to my work, we met to have lunch when she was done.

so yesterday, my mom asked if i wanted to go to lunch (meal paid for by mom? yes please!) and she asked where i wanted to go. i told her anywhere but qdoba because i was going there today.

when she picked me up, she asked if best friend and i were going out for any special occasion, and explained she would be close to the office after her test. all of a sudden i said 'hey, there's one thing i don't have to do whenever i have a baby! a glucose test!'

ya know, cuz i already have diabetes. get it? 

hahahaha. nerd moment.

best friend and me after lunch today... see the baby bump? he's in there!
ignore the squinting from the awesome super sunny day

1 comment:

  1. Ha! That's so true! I remember loads of women from church talking about that when I was in my first trimester and then us all realizing that I didn't have to do it :) Silver lining indeed (although by the third trimester you kind of live at the doctor's office if you have D).
